News & Events

First All Ireland Community Safety Network event hosted in Drogheda

Mar 13, 2024

Drogheda Implementation Board is a collaborative partner on the development of a new All Ireland Community Safety Network and we were delighted to host the first event on Tuesday 12th March in Drogheda.

Key stakeholders in Community Safety from all across Ireland travelled to attend the event including members of both An Garda Siochána and the PSNI; Departments of Justice and Policing Authority representatives from both sides of the border; local authority staff and elected members; Tusla, HSE; Community & Voluntary sector organisations and more.

Launched by Minister Helen McEntee in February 2024 the Network is a collaboration between Drogheda Implementation Board, Longford Local Community Safety Partnership and Newry Mourne and Down Policing and Community Safety Partnership.

The collaborative partners identified that the topic of Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV) is one which impacts communities all over Ireland. This first Network event therefore focused on this topic and was held on the 12th March to coincide with International Womens’ Day.  

Speaking after the event, Gráinne Berrill, Coordinator of Drogheda Implementation Board said 

We are so pleased with how our first All Ireland Community Safety Network event has gone. In terms of numbers attendance has far exceeded our expectations when we were initially planning for Network activities. We are getting very positive feedback already with 100% of respondents to a poll we held on the day indicating that they made new contacts through coming to this event. This is great for us to hear as the fostering of relationships between partners working in the community safety arena is a key objective of the Network. Many attendees have also indicated that they gained lots of insights into DSGBV and ideas for projects that could be replicated in their area.

We are really looking forward to hosting our next Network session which will be held towards the end of the year and will be informed by feedback from attendees at this event alongside other policing and community safety stakeholders.  

Contact [email protected] for more information on the All Ireland Community Safety Network.